Giving Thanks While Grieving

It is that time of year when we are asked to look out at all that we have and all that has made us who we are, and give thanks. Hopefully the practice of appreciation and gratitude is not exlusive to this time of year, but that more than once a year it can be placed at the center of our attention.
As I understand it, land and home ownership in this country means benefiting from a national history of exploitation and genocide. It is not popular to think about this part of our thanks giving, but it is irrespoinsible not to do so. It is my opinion that included in the responsibility of land ownership in this country is a responsibility to look at, rather than hide from, the pain and loss that accompanies the enclosure of land and its assignment to non-native occupants. I believe that at this time of the year, grieving is the appropriate companion of gratitude.

Last weekend was the first of my four-part series of offerings from the Axis Syllabus. Everything Comes from the Feet happened at the Field Center from Nov 18-21. There were 15 students of varied backgrounds and ages who all engaged in a deep inquiry into the feet and their design and role in human movement. It was a delight to lead in such an intelligent and sincere inquiry. I look forward to the remaining three workshops coming in February, May and August. I love teaching and the Field Center is a great space for learning.
I will be returning to California to give sessions during the week of November 28-December 5th. I have a few spots still open so please feel free to schedule online.
I will also be returning most months through the first half of 2022, typically strattling the end and beginning of each month. You can schedule up through March if you like.
Thank you for your continued interest and support.